Exploring AWS Client Tools - Working with S3

Initial Steps with S3

Currently S3 is already setup for me through the AWS Console GUI. I recommend this for getting started, and we can return to bucket creation and configuration CLI style a bit later. If you haven't setup an S3 bucket to use yet, go to the s3 console and click on create: https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/. There are other options to add, such as if you want world readable object and permissions inheritance and web serving of your content. I have turned all of those on.

Upload a File to S3 with the AWS CLI

Now that you have an S3 bucket, let's store something there. Perhaps an HTML file or other small file you have to start with. Mine is called "index.html" since I am starting a web site on S3, that makes sense.
My bucket name is the name of my web site: www.slamgarden.com so I enter the AWS command

aws s3 cp index.html s3://www.slamgarden.com/
Now I will upload all my files except my .git and .old directories:
aws s3 cp . s3://www.slamgarden.com/ --recursive --exclude ".git/*" --exclude ".old/*"
Note the .git/* part and the * is important or it won't really avoid recursion into the .git directory.


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