Studying for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Level Exam pg. 02

This set of web pages will be composed of two types of information. One will be randomized snippets from questions that come up in my mind as I work on AWS and which might be relevent to the exam. I will call that "self improvement" topics. The second type of information will be more structured content and questions I have learned from various sources specific to studying for the exam.


    What is Redshift?
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    What is a placement group?

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    How would you block an abusive client by IP Address?

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    When can a bucket owner not read objects in their S3 bucket?
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    In what encoding is the data stored as and what is the maximum length of any S3 object key?
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    When providing access to a specific bucket to an IAM entity, one often includes the s3:ListAllMyBuckets permission on the s3:::* resource. Why include this right to list more than the intended bucket of the acl?
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    You have enabled versioning on an S3 bucket, and you determine you do not want it. What can you do?
    A. Turn versioning off
    B. Suspend versioning
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    Which alarm states does cloudwatch support?
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    What data consistency model does Amazon S3 employ?
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    What would be the console sign-in URL for an IAM user with account number 111111111111?

    "What tiers of storage does AWS provide with S3 and what is their designed availability percentage and durability percentage?
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    What methods of encryption are available on S3?
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    What is Transfer Accelleration?
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    What setting on a bucket is required before Cross-region replication will work?
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    What would the URL of an S3 bucket in website serving mode be composed of? assuming your bucket is
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    What are the 5 instance families of current generation instance types?
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    How do pre-signed S3 URLs work? Are they different from cloudfront signed URLS?
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    What are the following three open sources services used for, and what could be used natively from AWS instead?
    Netflix Eureka, Airbnb Synapse, and HashiCorp Consul.
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    What are four ways to achieve loose coupling between services running in AWS?
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    What are two managed services in AWS you can use to offload user authentication?
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    What are three methods of scaling a relational database in RDS?
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    What is the Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployment feature?
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    What happens during Multi-AZ failover and how long does it take?
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    AWS comparison between security groups and network acls

    AWS tutorial on setting up Cross Account access on S3

    AWS doc on the differences between the web endpoint (if enabled) and rest api endpoint